

My name is Bastian Bunzeck and I am a doctoral researcher (PhD student) in the Computational Linguistics group (CLAUSE) at Bielefeld University under the supervision of Prof. Sina Zarrieß. Before that, I studied at Friedrich Schiller University Jena and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. In Jena I worked in the Hexatomic project and at the English department.

My main research interest is the intersection between (mostly cognitive and usage-based) linguistics and natural language processing. Recently, I have been interested in the application of very small language models and the emergence of linguistic structure inside them. If you want to find out more about me, check out my CV, my research interests, lists of my publications, talks and posters or the courses I have taught.

If you are looking for ways to contact me, check out my page in the Bielefeld University staff directory.