Learning language(s)

How humans do and machines can do too.
Version v1.0
Author Bastian Bunzeck License MIT

About me

Hi! My name is Bastian Bunzeck and I am a second year PhD student at Bielefeld University. I work in the Computational Linguistics group (CLAUSE) under the supervision of Prof. Sina Zarrieß. I am also a member of the collaborative research center (CRC) 1646 – Linguistic Creativity in Communication in Bielefeld. Before my PhD, I studied English/American Studies and Computer Science at Friedrich Schiller University Jena in Germany and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. In Jena I helped to develop a corpus annotation tool in the Hexatomic project and also worked various jobs at the English department.

I am interested in the relationship between (especially usage-based and cognitive approaches to) linguistics on the one hand, and natural language processing on the other hand. The neural turn in NLP has realized many ideas already proposed much earlier in the literature on connectionist modelling. Yet, it remains elusive how well state-of-the-art models and the cognitive/linguistic reality actually map to one another. In my research, I explore the ways in which linguistic knowledge emerges in human language learners and neural language models – mostly from a usage-based and constructionist perspective. Lately, my research focus in this direction has been on very small language models trained with small amounts of data, and their comparability to child language development.

If you are looking for ways to contact me, check out my page in the Bielefeld University staff directory or send me an email (firstname.lastname@uni-bielefeld.de).


For up-to-date overviews also check: Google Scholar, PUB - Publications at Bielefeld University and my ORCID page.

Conference/Workshop Papers

Journal papers

Talks and presentations




Summer term 2025

Winter term 2024/2025

Summer term 2024

Winter term 2023/2024

Summer term 2023

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